Friday, August 5, 2011

day 4...


 Houston is flat, really flat. When the sky is clear and their aren't buildings to block the view you can see clouds stretching all the way across the sky until they touch the horizon line way off in the distance. I am not a good judge of distance but I'll bet we can see a mile. We have been able to stand in our back yard and see a huge stretch of sky through the gap between our neighbors house and the next house down. Not for long. On Monday they poured the foundation for a new house on that empty lot, When I took this photo they were framing the second floor and by tonight (Friday) it will be completely framed (roof and all) and the plywood will be up.
signature 1


  1. I can't remember, do you get good views of the stars or is it still too light from Houston?

  2. for now if we look out towards the nothing we have a beautiful night time sky... When the rest of the community is finished (10+ years from now) we will have too much light.
